Why do people choose plant milk?

Why do people choose plant milk?
Explore Plant-based Goodness

Why do people choose plant milk?

14 Jul 2022

Global plant-based milk market is growing as consumers consider plant-based alternatives to be healthier and better for the planet.

According to market research:

Consumers drop dairy for health reasons


Consumers drop dairy for health reasons

Health is the major reason driving consumers to drop dairy with at least 40% of global consumers stating “digestive health” or “feel healthier” as reasons for going dairy-free.1
Consumers drop dairy for environmental concerns and animal rights


Consumers drop dairy for environmental concerns and animal rights

Environmental concerns and animal rights are other key drivers, both of which selected by more than 1/4 of global consumers.1
Growth rate in plant-based milk market


Growth rate in plant-based milk market

Plant-based milk market is expected to reach USD 38.9 billion and growing at a rate of 15% in the forecast period of 2020 to 2027.2

Plant milk is a beverage that is produced from plant-based ingredients, such as legumes (e.g. soybeans), cereals (e.g. oats, rice), nuts (e.g. almonds) or seeds, or a combination of these plant-based ingredients.

Consumers are shifting to plant-based milks

Global plant-based milk market is growing as consumers consider plant-based alternatives to be healthier and better for the planet.

Recommendations from Dietary Guidelines

Plant milks are recommended by various dietary guidelines that promote a healthy, balanced diet for good nutrition & wellbeing. Here are the key recommendations from dietary guidelines around the world:


  1. Euromonitor International’s Voice of the Consumer: Health and Nutrition Survey (2021)
  2. Data Bridge Market Research. Global Plant-Based Milk Market – Industry Trends and Forecast to 2027.

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This fact sheet by Vitasoy International Holdings Limited is designed for informational purposes only and it is not intended to serve as medical advice. The information provided here should not be used as diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. It is not a substitute for professional care. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this factsheet. Photocopying this publication in its original form is permitted for educational purposes only. Reproduction in any other form without the written permission of Vitasoy International Holdings Limited Is prohibited. Acknowledgement of contribution: Mark Messina, Ph.D., M.S.