Sustainability – Our SDGs

Understanding SDG impacts

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide a global agenda to shape the world’s sustainable development and require the collective contributions from businesses and other stakeholders. Informed by our materiality assessment and engagement with stakeholders, we have identified seven SDG impact areas and the specific SDG targets that are most relevant to our business. The following outlines our approach in managing our impact to the SDGs, supported by our strong focus on corporate governance and business ethics.

SDG Impact Areas
SDG Targets
Relevant Material Issues
Our Impact Management Approach
Zero Hunger
  • 2.2 Address the nutritional needs
  • 2.4 Sustainable food production systems
  • Product quality/safety
  • Product nutrient/health
  • Responsible sourcing
  • Community engagement
  • Our sustainability framework and “Vitasoy Nutrition Criteria” state our commitment to provide food and beverages that contribute to a healthy and balanced diet
  • The “Sustainable Farming Guidelines” instil sustainable practices at our raw materials suppliers
Good Health and Well-being
  • 3.4 Reduce premature mortality from noncommunicable diseases through prevention
  • Product nutrient/health
  • Responsible consumer communication/education
  • Expanding our plant-based portfolio.
  • Offering a greater variety and healthier versions of plant-based products, helping our customers reduce the risk of developing obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and some forms of cancer
Clean Water and Sanitation
  • 6.4 Increase water-use efficiency and ensure sustainable withdrawals
  • Water stewardship/efficiency
  • Driving water efficiency is one of our KPIs under the sustainability framework. We continue to invest in our manufacturing plant to improve water efficiency
Affordable And Clean Energy
  • 7.2 Increase the share of renewable energy in the energy mix
  • Climate change/ emission
  • Installing solar panel in our factories and purchase more renewable energy
Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • 8.8 Protect labour rights, and promote safe and secure working environments for all workers
  • Fair labour practices
  • Occupational health and safety
  • Talent attraction and retention
  • Workplace diversity / inclusion / equal opportunity
  • Implemented policies committing to improve health and safety, and drive anti-discrimination, anti-harassment, diversity and inclusion, and fair labour practices among our workforce
Responsible Consumption and Production
  • 12.1 Implement the 10-year Framework of programmes on sustainable consumption and production
  • Sustainable packing/packaging waste
  • Waste from manufacturing /operations
  • Responsible consumer communication/education
  • Our sustainability framework and 2025/26 targets have sealed our commitments and efforts in driving sustainable consumption and production since 2015/16
Climate Action
  • 13.2 Integrate climate change measures strategies and planning
  • Climate Change/emissions
  • Conducted climate scenario analysis to understand climate-related risks and opportunities for our business, and integrated key climate risks in our enterprise risk management system
SDG Impact Areas
SDG Targets
  • 2.2 Address the nutritional needs
  • 2.4 Sustainable food production systems
Relevant Material Issues
  • Product quality/safety
  • Product nutrient/health
  • Responsible sourcing
  • Community engagement
Our Impact Management Approach
  • Our sustainability framework and “Vitasoy Nutrition Criteria” state our commitment to provide food and beverages that contribute to a healthy and balanced diet
  • The “Sustainable Farming Guidelines” instil sustainable practices at our raw materials suppliers
SDG Targets
  • 3.4 Reduce premature mortality from noncommunicable diseases through prevention
Relevant Material Issues
  • Product nutrient/health
  • Responsible consumer communication/education
Our Impact Management Approach
  • Expanding our plant-based portfolio.
  • Offering a greater variety and healthier versions of plant-based products, helping our customers reduce the risk of developing obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and some forms of cancer
SDG Targets
  • 6.4 Increase water-use efficiency and ensure sustainable withdrawals
Relevant Material Issues
  • Water stewardship/efficiency
Our Impact Management Approach
  • Driving water efficiency is one of our KPIs under the sustainability framework. We continue to invest in our manufacturing plant to improve water efficiency
SDG Targets
  • 7.2 Increase the share of renewable energy in the energy mix
Relevant Material Issues
  • Climate change/ emission
Our Impact Management Approach
  • Installing solar panel in our factories and purchase more renewable energy
SDG Targets
  • 8.8 Protect labour rights, and promote safe and secure working environments for all workers
Relevant Material Issues
  • Fair labour practices
  • Occupational health and safety
  • Talent attraction and retention
  • Workplace diversity / inclusion / equal opportunity
Our Impact Management Approach
  • Implemented policies committing to improve health and safety, and drive anti-discrimination, anti-harassment, diversity and inclusion, and fair labour practices among our workforce
SDG Targets
  • 12.1 Implement the 10-year Framework of programmes on sustainable consumption and production
Relevant Material Issues
  • Sustainable packing/packaging waste
  • Waste from manufacturing /operations
  • Responsible consumer communication/education
Our Impact Management Approach
  • Our sustainability framework and 2025/26 targets have sealed our commitments and efforts in driving sustainable consumption and production since 2015/16
SDG Targets
  • 13.2 Integrate climate change measures strategies and planning
Relevant Material Issues
  • Climate Change/emissions
Our Impact Management Approach
  • Conducted climate scenario analysis to understand climate-related risks and opportunities for our business, and integrated key climate risks in our enterprise risk management system