About us

About us

Ever imagine how a little thing, like growing goodness, could make a big difference? We did.

Over 80 years ago Vitasoy pioneered plant-based milk. We believed in the amazing power of plants then – and even more so now. We imagined a world where growing produce from the whole bean, nut, seed, leaf or fruit, would give people the goodness and nutrition of nature.

A world where growing plant-based foods would be kinder to the environment and leave people and the planet healthier and happier. We’ll never stop dreaming, innovating and striving to grow plant-based foods that make our world better. Because it’s the little things, like the milk you choose, that bring out goodness. So together let’s keep planting goodness every day.

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Our purpose

To advance the world’s transformation towards a sustainable future, through the amazing power of plants.
About us

Our brand icon is our symbol of nature’s abundance and generosity. A symbol of growth driving upwards and outwards.

The Plant represents our many plant-based ingredients and can also be seen as milk splashing upwards on our product range. The circle represents our connection to the planet and our belief that we must work in harmony with it – the sustainable cycle of sowing and gathering nature’s harvest – a circle of life.

It is also an iconic badge, that represents our commitment and belief in the Plant-Based Movement. Our belief that we can make a difference to both people and the planet.