Business Ethics is one of the top material priorities identified by our stakeholders. Vitasoy maintains our high standards of business ethics and corporate governance through Group Business Ethics Policy and the Code of Business Conduct for Suppliers and Customers. Vitasoy has zero tolerance for all forms of corruption and bribery.

The Group Business Ethics Policy specifies the general principles of ethical business standards that all staff must adopt. It covers topics such as compliance with laws, rules and regulations, conflict of interest, guideline on employment of immediate family members and relatives as well as anti-corruption and anti-bribery.

Vitasoy also sets clear guidelines and expectations for ethical conduct from our suppliers and customers through the Code of Business Conduct for Suppliers and Customers. Included in these guidelines are stipulations related to conflict of interest, anti-corruption and fraud, which are applied irrespective of country and territory.

To support ethical conduct along our value chain, the Code also provides direction for local entities to incorporate the relevant guidelines into agreements with suppliers and customers. To align the behaviour of our employees, suppliers, and customers with our expectations, we aim to provide ethics training and annual refresher training to all employees through our e-learning programme. All employees are also required to sign the Business Ethics Commitment Declaration Form which demonstrates their full understanding and compliance with the Group Business Ethics Policy as well as their responsibility and obligation to report any case of misconduct or irregular behaviour. Throughout the year, Vitasoy also publishes relevant articles under the “Business Ethics” Section of Vitasoy News to keep all employees up-to-date on new information about ethical conduct.

See Group Business Ethics Policy