Developing plant-based eating habits at an early age

Developing plant-based eating habits at an early age


Developing plant-based eating habits at an early age

28 Mar 2024

Vitasoy believes that cultivating good habits starts at a young age, so we organise a “Nutrition Exploration Programme” every year for primary schools and non-governmental organisations (NGOs), providing students with an opportunity to learn more about plant-based nutrition.

Our “Nutrition Exploration Programme” in 2023-2024 received positive feedback from more than 3,000 students and parents. The Programme covered a range of fun and interactive activities, from online quizzes to gardening and cooking experiences, as well as the assembly of real-time monitoring devices to track plant-growth environment. This allowed students to have first-hand experience and made learning more enjoyable.

Students were encouraged to share the plant-based diet knowledge learned from the Programme with their friends and families. One student shared his idea, saying, “We can host plant-based parties at home for classmates to experience the fun, delicious but simple plant-based food which all of us can make!”

Vitasoy will continue our efforts to promote the benefits of plant-based diets. Let’s “Planting goodness every day”!

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